Browse mineral resources


Bailey & Weidner Sand & Gravel Pit

Diana Sand and Gravel Pit

Massillon Plant

Allied Corp. Plant Number 3

Heiser Sand and Gravel Pit

Central Allied Pit Number 2

Uniontown Sand and Gravel Pit

Diano Sand and Gravel Pit

Columbus Road Pit

East Ohio Limestone Co. Quarry

Romaay Pits

D and M Clay and Shale Pit

Stark Ceramics, Incorporated Pit

Pleasant Valley Drive Clay Pit

Alliance Brick Corp. Pit Number 2

Ries Sand and Gravel Pit

Navarre Pit

Beldon Sand and Gravel Pit

Suzie Strip Mine

Motts and Dehoff Pit

American Sand & Gravel Plant #2 Pit

Pleasant Valley Drive Clay Pit

Aj Diana Sons Inc Pit & Mill

Heiser Sand and Gravel Pit

Greensburg Sand & Gravel Mine

Central Allied Pit Number 2

Stone Products Pit

Allied Corp Plant No 3 & Pit

Stone Products Pit & Mill

Jones & Laughlin/ Louisville, Ohio

East Ohio Quarry

Uniontown Sand and Gravel Pit

Canton Ohio Sulfur Plant

Black Hawk Mine

Romany Plant & Pits

Sme Quarry

Motts and Dehoff Pit

Ries Sand and Gravel Pit

Ohio Ferro-Alloys/ Canton, Ohio

Stark County Mines

J & R Pit

Stark Pit

Columbus Road Pit

Alliance Brick Corp. Pit Number 2

Suzie Strip Mine Clay and Shale Pit

Republic Steel/ Massillon, Ohio

Hartville Pit & Plant

D and M Pit

Snee Pit

Massillon Pit

Navarre Pit Mass. Washed Gravel

Diano Sand and Gravel Pit

Stark Pit

Stark Pit

Beldon Sand and Gravel Pit

Oster Sand & Gravel Missilon Pit

Bailey & Weidner Sand & Gravel Pit

Northern Ohio Pit

D & M Coal Clay Pit

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